Ant and His Fellow Arthropods: Life in the Soil

Psst! Can you see me? I'm down here. Way down here. Look in the soil. I know I blend in, but if you really look hard, you'll find me. Some people say I'm just an ant. That is true, but I'm also a very important part of the soil community. My fellow arthropods and I think that it is time for people to give us the respect that we deserve. We might not have backbones, but we are ready to stand up for ourselves!

Some people call us pests. I, personally, find that term offensive! Technically, we are soil arthropods. Other ants like me, as well as termites, spiders, mites, centipedes, and millipedes are all arthropods. We live in or near the soil. We do a lot for the soil. We help to stir it up. As we move from place to place, bits of soil move with us. This movement makes it possible for the soil to get more air. We also help dead plants rot. First, my friends and I chew up .....

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