Apex Predators

What did you have for breakfast today? Maybe you had a bowl of cereal or maybe you had a big breakfast with pancakes, sausage or bacon, and orange juice. What will you have for lunch? A burger? A slice of pizza? All of those foods have different ingredients. They're made up of wheat, sugar, maybe some vegetables, herbs, and meat. If all those foods sound like something you'd eat, congratulations! You're an omnivore.

An omnivore is an animal or human that eats both meat and plants. Most humans are omnivores. As a human and an omnivore, you're also an apex predator. What makes you an apex predator?

A food chain or food web shows what different plants and animals eat to get energy. Plants use sunlight. Some animals eat plants. Other animals eat the plant-eaters, and other animals eat the animals that eat the plant-eaters. Then there are people. People eat animals (big fish) that eat animals (medium-sized fish) that eat animals (small fish) that eat plants.

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