Bad or Just Different?

Tate doesn't want to move, but he has to. His dad got a new job in a city far away. Tate likes his school. He likes his friends. He loves his neighborhood. He loves that he lives in a small town. And all that is about to change. Tate and his family are moving to a big city.

Tate has been to a big city before. He goes with his mom and dad. They usually go to pick his grandmother up at the airport. Tate likes all the lights in the city. He likes the big roads. He also likes all the places to eat. But Tate doesn't want to live in a city. That's why he's upset about moving.

After they move to the new city, Tate goes to a new school. It's a much bigger school than his old one. He had only twenty students in his old classroom. Now there are almost forty! It seems like he gets lost among all the other students.

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