Barbara Robinson

Barbara Robinson loved writing books for children more than anything else. She said boys and girls who love to read make the best audiences. They demand the best. They want excitement. They want mystery. They want humor. They want it all!

Barbara Robinson grew up in a small town in Ohio. The town was Portsmouth. Her mother was a schoolteacher. Barbara never really knew her father. He died when she was only three years old. Barbara and her mother weren't alone in Portsmouth, though. Barbara had aunts, uncles, and cousins who lived nearby. In Portsmouth, like many small towns, the people seemed like an extended family. Everyone knew each other. There were neighbors and friends. There were the teachers, the bus drivers, and the mailmen. There were local heroes. There were people who were lazy, foolish, or worse! It was a great place for a creative young mind.

As a child, Barbara grew up around books. Barbara's mother was a teacher. She loved to read. Every spare moment that she could find was spent reading books. Barbara loved to read, too. She also loved to write. She wrote poems. She wrote plays. She wrote short stories. She started writing when she was very young. She kept doing it and never stopped! She attended Allegheny College, a place where she could combine her love of books and the stage.

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