Bathtub Time

Bathtub Day

Reading Comprehension for October 7

Marco slid his hand over the smooth tub. Mom and Dad were building a new bathroom in the house. They were going to get a new bathtub for it. They were out at a store to look at the many kinds to choose from. Marco did not know there were so many! One was a bathtub with feet. It was like one he had seen in a story book. He liked the story, but he thought that kind of tub looked funny.

As he followed his parents, Marco's eyes got wider. He had no idea there were so many shapes, sizes, and colors of tubs.

"Mom," he asked, "why are there so many different kinds of bathtubs?"

"Well," she answered, "there are many reasons. Different people have different tastes. Some people like smaller tubs, while others like big garden tubs like this one." She pointed to the large white tub across the aisle.

"You mean like Aunt Carlotta?" asked Marco with a smile.

"Yes," Mom laughed, "just like Aunt Carlotta."

"Dad," asked Marco, "have people always had bathtubs?"

"That is a good question," said Dad. "I don't think so."

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