Battery Power

"Do we have any batteries?" Toby asked his older brother Stephen. Toby was looking at a new clock they had just purchased for the bedroom they shared. It was shaped like a guitar. Both brothers enjoyed playing and were even part of a band.

"I think there are some in one of the drawers in the kitchen," Stephen said.

Toby went downstairs and started opening all the drawers. He forgot to close several of them.

Mom walked in. "What are you looking for, Toby?"

"I need some batteries for our new clock," he explained.

Mom went over to the drawer in the kitchen desk. "What size do you need?"

"I need two double A batteries."

"Here you go," Mom said, handing him two Never Fail batteries.

"Never Fail, huh?" Toby said.

"So they say," Mom replied, opening the refrigerator door to find something for lunch.

"We will see," Toby said. He went back upstairs and put the batteries into the clock.

"Where do we want to hang this?" Toby asked Stephen, who was fiddling with his guitar.

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