Birthday Present

Sandra was so excited. It was her seventeenth birthday. Her parents had a big surprise for her - they bought her a car!

It was a pre-owned VW bug in yellow, Sandra's favorite color. It even had a little silk flower in it near the steering wheel. On the steering wheel was a note saying, "We love you. Drive safely!"

After receiving keys to the car, Sandra was overwhelmed. That's why she was so surprised when she received another wrapped package later that evening. Her parents came in and sat in her room. Dad handed her the brightly wrapped package.

"What's this?" Sandra asked.

"Open it," Dad said.

Sandra tore at the yellow and green wrapping paper, revealing a box with GPS on the side.

"You got me a GPS?" she asked, wide-eyed.

Mom and Dad smiled. "Yes, dear. We want you to be able to find your way around. I've made sure that all the maps you need for our state and nearby states are pre-loaded on this GPS," said Dad.

"But I thought I was only allowed to drive around town," Sandra questioned.

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