Busy as a Beekeeper

Have you ever thought of becoming an apiarist? An apiarist is a beekeeper, a person who takes care of one or more hives of bees. A beekeeper's job can be fascinating. A bee's main job is to get nectar and pollen for its hive. As they do this, they pollinate a wide variety of crops. Many crops cannot produce fruit without the help of the honeybee. The honeybee is also our only source for honey and beeswax.

Apiculture is the keeping of bees and their colonies. Bees can be kept almost anywhere. The honey and beeswax bees make can make this hobby self-supporting. On farms, honey production and pollination services can provide a good income for a professional apiarist.

In order to be a successful beekeeper, you need to know as much as possible about the nature of honeybees. Besides that, you need to know how to use the apiary equipment needed to keep a hive. Keep in mind that even the best beekeepers get stung every now and then, but most beekeepers develop a tolerance to the venom.

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