Camel Spiders

Camel spider is the common name for a solpugid. It isn't really a spider. It's an arachnid. It's related to a scorpion, but it doesn't sting. Camel spiders are also called sun spiders, sun scorpions, and wind scorpions.

Camel spiders appear to have five pairs of legs. In reality, they only have four pairs of legs. The two extra "legs" near the head are long and sturdy. They are called pedipalps or palps. The camel spider uses its palps like feelers to notice what's going on in front of it. Sometimes it uses the palps to catch its prey. They use six of their legs for running. They can run very fast.

Camel spiders live in warm, dry places. They inhabit deserts all over the world. Camel spiders do not spin webs. These arachnids are mainly nocturnal carnivores. This means they hunt for meat at night. Camel spiders eat insects, rodents, lizards, and small birds. The spiders have very strong jaws. They grab their prey. Then they use their powerful jaws to crush the prey and chop it up. They use special fluids to make the food softer and more liquid. This makes it easier for the spiders to eat their victims.

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