Carrie v. Haley

Carrie has lots of friends. Her friends are very nice. Her friends like lots of the same things she does. Carrie's best friend is Haley. Haley likes the same kind of music that Carrie likes. They like the same television shows. They even like the same websites. Carrie and Haley get along very well.

Sometimes, Carrie disagrees with her friends. Once, one of Carrie's friends didn't like the same song Carrie did. Another friend hated a movie Carrie loved. Another of Carrie's friends hates grape jelly. Carrie loves grape jelly.

Those were little arguments. But one day Carrie and Haley had a big argument. Carrie said cats were the best pets ever. Haley said dogs were the best pets ever.

"No way," Carrie said. "Cats are so sweet and loving."

Haley said, "Dogs are strong, protecting, and loving."

"But cats are more loving. Dogs are stupid, too!"

"Dogs aren't stupid. They can learn lots of things. What can cats learn?" Haley replied.

"Cats aren't stupid!" Carrie yelled. "You are just so mean, Haley!"

"You and your stupid cats are the mean ones," Haley shouted.

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