Cats vs. Dogs

Deidra is my best friend, but some day she may make my head explode! I feel like I'm caught in a constant contest. When we take quizzes and tests, we look to see which of us got the better grade. We have to decide whose mother packs better lunches. Now we are arguing about which of us has the better pet! This is such a no-brainer. I do!

I have a cat named Sparkles, and Deidra has a dog named Jasper. I told her that cats make better pets because they are quiet, cute, and clean. They wash themselves with their tongues, and they use a litter box! Dogs, on the other hand, are noisy barkers, and they don't clean themselves or use a litter box. Dogs need someone to give them baths, walk them, and scoop up their messes. Dogs are more work.

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