Channel Islands National Park

Channel Islands National Park is in California. The park is made up of five islands and the ocean that surrounds them. Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa Islands are the largest. Santa Barbara is far from the other islands. The last two islands are Anacopa and San Miguel. Each island is unique in its own way. This park is found off the southwestern coast of California. In order to reach this park, visitors must take a boat or small airplane. The park's headquarters is in Ventura, California.

The islands are very isolated. This is because of their location. Visitors can see what California may have looked like long ago. Some plants and animals found on the Channel Islands are not found anywhere else on Earth. There are 145 unique species of plants and animals here. There are only four mammals on the islands. Bats are common on Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa Islands. There are few reptiles or amphibians. There are four types of .....

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