Christmas in Australia, Part 2

Nina and Jeff were sorry to leave Uncle Bob and Aunt Jess's home in Sydney. It was fun to have supper cooked on the "barbie" every night. They couldn't do that very well at home in December because it was too cold. At least they would see them at Grandma's a little later.

The family left and drove to the other side of Sydney on Christmas morning. The children were looking forward to opening presents at Grandma's house. On the way, they tried to sing along with some of the Christmas songs on the radio. After listening to "Six White Boomers," the children were perplexed.

"What are boomers?" they asked.

"They are boy kangaroos," said Dad. "There are several names for them, like old men, bucks, or jacks."

"What are girl kangaroos called?" asked Nina.

"They are does, flyers, or sometimes jills," said Dad.

"I like the name 'flyer'," said Nina.

"I like all the Aussie Christmas songs," said Jeff. "I think they are more fun to sing than the ones we sing at home."

"That's because they're all new and different," said Mom. "I think you would miss our usual Christmas with the snow and all after awhile."

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