Common Landforms

Look at a globe. You'll see most of it is colored blue. That shows Earth's oceans. Oceans are big areas of salty water. There are five oceans.

The large pieces of land are called continents. There are seven continents. You will see small bits of land on the globe, too. An island is a small area of land that has water all around it. Islands can be found in oceans, rivers, or lakes. Australia is a large island. It has water all around it. Australia is big. It is both an island and a continent.

A little less than one-third of Earth's surface is land. Not all of Earth's land looks the same. When we talk about Earth's land, we use lots of different words to describe its features. Features are things like the shape or the height of the land. All landforms were made by natural processes. Different landforms were formed in different ways.

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