Courage - Ain't I a Woman?

Courage is when a person does something good when others will not. Pretend your teacher was teaching your class about the Civil War. Your teacher used the word "slavery." No one knew what the word really meant. Not one person in the class was brave enough to stop the teacher and ask. You knew that your classmates were wondering what the word meant. You wondered, too. You showed courage by raising your hand. The teacher called on you, and you asked him the question. You showed courage. You did something that others would not. You helped others by raising your hand and asking the question.

A woman by the name of Sojourner Truth showed great courage in the 1800s. Sojourner Truth's name when she was born was Isabella Baumfree. She was born a slave. She was owned by another person. She worked without pay for another person. Many slave owners did not treat their slaves nicely. Isabella was glad when the day came that she could live her life .....

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