
Crickets are insects. Insects have six legs. The legs have joints so that they can move. Crickets can be brown, black, or green. There are more than 900 kinds of crickets! Crickets look very much like grasshoppers.

All insects have bodies with three main parts. They have a head. The middle part is called the thorax. The third part is called the abdomen.

Insects like crickets have no bones. Instead, they have a hard shell on the outside of their bodies. This shell is called the exoskeleton. They are part of the invertebrate group of animals. These are animals that do not have a backbone.

Crickets come out at night. They hide under rocks, grass, or in the soil in the daytime. Some crickets live underground. They eat dead insects, plants, and fungi.

Their back legs are very long. They can jump high. Some crickets can even fly!

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