
Stopping cross-contamination is one way to keep people from getting sick from food. This is when food gets contaminated from another source. There are three ways that this can take place.

The first way is food-to-food. It can be very dangerous if raw foods touch cooked foods. One way that can happen is if meat drips onto other food in the refrigerator.

Another way contamination can happen is people-to-food. This is why it is important to wash your hands after using the restroom. Using an apron to wipe your hands before washing them is also dangerous. The bacteria will be on the apron. Every time you wipe your hands on the apron, you will get more bacteria on your hands.

The third way is equipment-to-food. This is when forks and knives touch many different raw and cooked foods. This usually happens when these items aren't cleaned well. This happens when the same cutting board is used to cut raw meats and then vegetables.

Following these tips will keep people in your house from getting sick.

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