Dinosaur Eggs

"I'm bored. I thought this summer would be fun, but there is nothing to do," Todd said as he dropped onto the sofa, almost falling onto Tim.

Tim pulled his feet back so that Todd would not be sitting on them and laid down the book he was reading. "Why don't you play a video game or watch TV?"

"I've already played a couple of video games, and there is nothing on TV. Besides, I want to do something new and exciting," Todd said with a frown.

Tim looked at his brother for a moment, and then he put his book on the table beside the couch. "I don't know if you're old enough yet to learn the secret," Tim said as he studied his younger brother.

"Secret? What secret?" Todd asked.

"No, I don't think you are old enough yet. Maybe next year." Tim picked up his book again and started to read.

"Tim, don't you go giving me the little brother treatment. What secret are you talking about?" Todd asked again.

Tim laid the book on his chest and studied his brother once more. "Well, I guess I was about your age when Dad told me. Maybe you can handle it."

"Handle what? Did someone in our family murder someone? What could possibly be such a big secret?" Todd punched his brother lightly to prod him into talking.

"Well, I can't just tell you the secret; I'll have to show you," Tim said as he moved to stand up. "You'll need to follow me, but you can't go talking about this to anyone else. Otherwise, it won't be a secret anymore."

"Why can't you just tell me?" Todd asked impatiently, but he followed his brother out of the house. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," was all Tim would say.

They walked past the garage and headed toward the barn. Todd started to imagine all kinds of horrors that might have happened on the family farm. Tim seemed so serious that Todd knew it had to be something big.

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