Father's Day Fishing, Part 1

Alex's eyes watered slightly as the wind rushed past his face. He reached up and pulled on the bill of his ball cap, making sure it was sitting firmly on his head. Then he tilted his head down slightly to help the hat's brim to deflect the wind from his face. He sure wouldn't want to lose the cap in the lake.

The boat seemed to fly across the lake's relatively smooth surface. Alex glanced down at his backpack. In it was a Father's Day gift for Ben. Ben wasn't his real father, although Alex wished that he was.

Alex's real father hadn't acted much like one - at least, not that Alex could remember. He'd hardly ever been at home, and then one day he was gone and never came back. There had been no goodbyes, but then, there had been nothing to miss.

Ben cut the speed of the boat as they reached the fishing spot. The vibration in the aluminum hull from the outboard engine almost disappeared. Then the little wave that had followed the boat suddenly caught up and sloshed against the stern of the vessel, lifting and pushing it forward and causing the engine to make burbling sounds.

"This looks like a really good spot," said Ben with a smile. "How about handing me that tackle box so we can get our rods ready?"

Alex handed him the box and watched Ben sort through several lures. The man saw the boy's interest but no real anticipation.

"Have you ever been fishing before?" Ben inquired.

Alex shook his head and replied, "No, sir, but I've always wanted to try."

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