Female American Alligators: Tough (but Tender!) Mothers

What is your mom like? Does she lend you a hand when you need help? Does she protect you from scary creatures in the night? If you said yes, then your mom might be an alligator!

Female American alligators may be tough, but they are tender mothers. Early each summer, these gators build nests for their eggs near the shores of the lakes, ponds, or swamps where they live. After laying their eggs, the mothers cover them with vegetation. This protects the eggs and keeps them warm. Many reptiles leave an area after they lay their eggs. Not these tough but tender mothers. American alligator moms guard their nests for two months while they wait for their young to hatch. In late August or September, the baby gators begin to squeal. These high pitched noises let their mother know that they are ready to hatch. Once she hears her young, the gator uncovers the nest. She watches her babies use their egg teeth to break through their shells. If necessary, a mother gator may even roll the eggs around in her mouth to help them crack. Once they are free, the mother gently gathers her babies in her mouth and carries them to the water. You may think that a gator mom's job .....

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