Flag Out of Time

The headline splashed across video screens: "Revolutionary War Flag Found on Moon!" People stood fixated, waiting to hear the details in the odd and exciting story. "Astronomers were astounded today to see a flag - apparently from the American Revolutionary War - on the moon. It is currently unknown how the flag got there, but a full investigation has been launched. We will report more as the information becomes available."

The flag story broke at noon, and by a half-hour later people were discussing it all around the world. Some maintained that there had been a secret government plot that sent men to the moon in the eighteenth century. The flag was the proof. Others maintained that someone must have developed the technology to allow private transportation to the moon. Many people didn't know what to think. It was a perplexing mystery.

Tad Marshal grinned to himself all day. He had come up with the best Flag Day prank ever. He knew those reporters would never figure it out. What a coup! It would be such fun to boast of the prank to his classmates.

When Tad got home from school, Dad was already there, waiting for him.

"Hi, Dad," said Tad. "Why are you home so early?"

"I assume you've seen the news reports," said Dad, side-stepping Tad's question.

"Sure, why?" Tad asked innocently.

"Were you responsible for that?" his dad asked sternly.

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