Get Moving!

You're never too young to exercise. This doesn't mean that you must do jumping jacks or weight lifting - but both of those are good exercise. Kids should get one hour a day of active play or exercise. This time can be all at once, or it can be divided into smaller groups of time.

Most of the hour should include aerobic exercise. This kind of exercise makes your heart pump harder. It makes you breathe faster. Your heart is a muscle. Making muscles work harder makes them stronger. This kind of exercise builds endurance. You'll find that the more you exercise, the easier it gets and the longer you can keep it up. Aerobic exercise is good for your heart! If you can talk while you're doing the exercise, you are probably working at a pace that is right for you. If you're too breathless to talk, you should slow down a little. If you can sing instead of talk, you're not working hard enough. Step up the pace of your exercise a little. Then your heart muscle will get the most benefit from the exercise.

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