Go Catfish

National Catfish Month

Reading Comprehension for August 29

Fishing is an all-American pastime. I am not feeding you a line when I tell you that August is National Catfish Month! So hold onto your poles...here are some fun facts about catfish.

Catfish are the most widely harvested fish in Mississippi. Humphreys County, Mississippi, is the catfish capital of the world. Catfish is the state fish of Missouri. However, no matter how much you like them, it is illegal to lasso a catfish in Tennessee. You've got to pull them in on a line or net them.

Some Thai fisherman had quite a shock when they netted a giant catfish as big as a grizzly bear in 2005. Their catfish weighed 646 pounds! The giant fish was eaten in their remote village. The Mekong River in Thailand has more species of giant fish than any river on earth. One of the men who caught the fish said, "It's amazing to think that giants like this still swim in some of the world's rivers."

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