Grandpapa Remembers

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Reading Comprehension for December 7

Justin walked down the hall of the nursing home with his mom. The heels of her shoes clicked on the tile floor as they passed by room after room. Mom read the numbers aloud. "Three hundred twenty, three hundred twenty-two. Here it is, number three twenty-four," said Mom as they arrived at Justin's great-grandpa's room. Mom looked at Justin. "Are you okay?" she asked.

Justin grimaced. "Yeah. It just smells funny here."

"That's from the antiseptics they use to keep it clean. You'll get used to it after a few minutes. Come on, let's go in."

Justin nodded his head. "Okay."

Mom knocked on the door and then slowly pushed it open. "Grandpapa?"

"Come in," said Grandpapa.

Mom and Justin entered the room. Over by a window a frail old man sat holding a photo album in his lap. His face was very sad.

"Hi, Grandpapa," said Justin. "What are you doing?"

The old man motioned to them to sit down.

"I'm just remembering, Justin," said Grandpapa solemnly.

Justin sat down in a chair near his great-grandfather. "Remembering what?"

"December 7, 1941."

"That was the day that Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese," said Justin. "We were just talking about it in school." He paused for a minute. "That was a long time ago. Grandpapa, were you there?"

"Yes, I was, Justin."

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