Grocery Lists

If you went to the grocery store and bought the same thing every week, you would end up with a lot of things that you didn't need. Most people don't use a whole bottle of ketchup in one week. Other items do not last as long and may need to be bought more often. Each week before grocery shopping you will need to make a list.

A list shows the things that you need to buy. These things will probably change from week to week. Some items will stay the same, too. Many families need to buy milk, juice, or eggs every week. Cereal or bread may also be something that you buy often. Items like shampoo and toothpaste are bought less often. These are items that can also be written on your list.

A list can be a piece of paper that is taped to refrigerator. When you think of an item you need, you can write it on the list. Some people make lists on their phones or computers.

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