Having a Safe Picnic

A picnic is one of the most American things there is. But in the summer it is also one of the most common ways to get food poisoning. The summer heat can make food dangerous to eat. Everyone can have a safe and fun picnic if a few simple tips are followed.

Make sure you have coolers to keep food cold. Meats and salads with mayonnaise in them can become dangerous very quickly during the summer. Put ice in the cooler to keep the food cool. The food should not get warmer than forty degrees. Don't take chances with foods containing mayonnaise. If you aren't sure how long it has been sitting outside, get rid of it.

If you are driving to a picnic, don't put the cooler in the trunk. It can get very hot in there very quickly. Put the cooler in the car where the air conditioner can help keep it cold.

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