Herb Garden

On a warm and lovely spring day, Tracy looked over her fence and asked her neighbor, "What are you doing, Mrs. Hopkins?"

"I'm planting my herb garden, Tracy, dear. I love to grow herbs." (Mrs. Hopkins called everyone "dear.")

Tracy opened the picket gate between the two lots and stepped over into her neighbor's lush yard. She strolled over and squatted down next to Mrs. Hopkins.

Pointing at the row Mrs. Hopkins was working on, Tracy asked, "What type of herb is that?"

"That will be a row of mint. Beside that will be rosemary and in that corner, basil."

"Do you use these for cooking?" Tracy asked.

"Yes," said Mrs. Hopkins. "There's nothing better than preparing my homemade spaghetti sauce and then being able to come out here to clip some very fresh basil leaves to add to it."

Tracy licked her lips. "So that's your secret!" she giggled. Mrs. Hopkins had served her spaghetti to just about every neighbor around them at one time or another. Once, when Tracy's mom was recovering from surgery, Mrs. Hopkins made a big batch of sauce so the family could easily heat up pasta and serve themselves.

Mrs. Hopkins continued talking. "Food is not the only thing I use herbs for."

"What else do you do?" asked Tracy.

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