I Hate My Life! Part 3

When Mark got back home, his parents were sitting at the table, bent over a map.

"Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. What's up?" Mark greeted them.

"We're planning our vacation," his father answered without looking up. "We're trying to choose the places where we want to spend the most time."

"So when are you leaving?" Mark asked, pulling out a chair and sitting down.

"When are we leaving?" his father repeated. "You are going with us, I think." Mark's mother just kept staring at the map. She looked very sad.

"Look, Dad, I know I was out of line before," Mark said. "Maybe I said some things I didn't mean, but I was upset. You can't blame me for that."

Mark's father shook his head slowly. "Mark, it's not that easy. No one made you say the things you said. You said things that hurt us very much. Perhaps we were wrong to give you a chance to stay home and work. Perhaps you aren't mature enough yet. I don't know what to do right now. Your mother and I have been thinking about it. It seems like it would be best for you to go with us. That way we would know you were all right."

"But, Dad, I really want to stay home. I talked to Dan, and he told me getting a job was a good idea. I could get a job and earn some money to buy a car!" Mark was beginning to get upset.

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