If These Shoes Could Talk

"If these shoes could talk, I wonder what they'd say?" Nina wondered out loud.

Trace turned from the pile of old shoes he was working on with an odd look on his face. "What?"

"I was just thinking that these shoes could tell a story."

Trace turned back to his shoe pile with a sigh. "There she goes again," he mumbled. "She's always creating stories. Why can't she just take things at face value?"

Trace and Nina were working at a local social services agency. They were separating and cleaning old shoes that had been donated by others. Trace was busy untangling laces while Nina paired up matching shoes. They both would wipe down and brush off the shoes to prepare them to be shipped to needy people in other countries.

Nina picked up a pair of white basketball shoes and continued. "Like these fancy basketball shoes, for instance. They are still in good shape. I wonder how many games they've played? Did they win a championship?"

Trace laughed. "The person wearing them may have won a championship, but likely, they ended up staying in a smelly locker most of the day!"

"The people or the shoes?" Nina teased.

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