Independence Day in Brazil

Independence Day in Brazil

Reading Comprehension for September 7

Have you ever had to make a difficult choice between right and wrong? Many people face such choices - whether big or small - every day. Maybe you've had to make a choice like this. Now imagine making a choice between right and wrong that would forever change two entire countries! There was a man in Brazil who had to make such a choice, and his name was Dom Pedro.

Many years ago, the European country of Portugal ruled Brazil. In the early 19th century, Europe was in the middle of war. The French, under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte, threatened Portugal. The Portuguese royal family decided they needed somewhere to hide, so they took off for Brazil in November 1807. After they arrived in Brazil in 1808, Brazil's capital city of Rio de Janeiro became both countries' capital city.

At the time, Brazil was used to being ruled from afar. At first, rulers and businesspeople in Brazil liked having the attention of the Portuguese royal family. But having the royal family so close meant Brazilians had to behave. The Portuguese opened Brazilian trade with the British, and the trade paid for many improvements in Brazil.

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