Jake and Jackie Learn about Tipping

Jake and Jackie's families had been friends and neighbors for a very long time. They often did things together, which was why Jackie and Jake had become such good friends. Recently, the families had started to go out to eat together every other Friday night with the families taking turns picking the restaurant.

This week, Jackie's mom surprised her by telling her to pick out the restaurant.

"I can pick anywhere I want to go?" Jackie asked as she grabbed a cookie from the cookie jar.

"Yes. And, you are going to pay for it, too," Jackie's mom added.

Jackie jumped up from the breakfast bar where she was sitting.


Jackie's mom laughed.

"Don't worry. I'll give you the money. I just want you to learn how to pay for a restaurant bill and do a tip."

Jackie had never done anything like this before. She didn't even know what a "tip" was, so she asked her mother about it.

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