Jake and Jackie Learn to Make Coffee

"Make coffee? I don't know how to make coffee!" Jackie said into the phone. Jake was leaning against the kitchen counter in Jackie's house, crunching on an apple.

"Okay, I'll try," Jackie said. She hung up the phone with a sigh.

"My mom is running late at work. She is having her book club meeting here tonight, and she wants me to start the coffee. I've never made coffee before!" Jackie said with exasperation.

"How hard can it be?" Jake said. "I've seen my dad do it a lot. Where's your coffee maker?"

Jackie pointed to the corner where the shiny brown granite countertops came together.

"Okay, where's the coffee?"

Jackie walked over to where Jake was standing. She reached into the cabinet above his head.

"I think Mom has some type of container here," she said, pulling out a white ceramic canister. It was tightly closed with a clamp. Jackie loosened it and opened the lid.

"Ummm" she said. "I love the smell of coffee even though I don't know how to make it."

Meanwhile, Jake pulled the coffee maker toward him and then pulled open the basket above the glass carafe. "Okay, where are the filters?"

"Filters?" Jackie questioned.

"You know, the paper liners that go in the basket. Boy, I guess you don't know much about coffee."

Jackie rolled her eyes and reached back up into the cabinet.

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