Landforms: Marshes and Swamps

Marshes and swamps are types of wetlands. They are found along rivers, ponds, lakes, and seacoasts. They may have fresh water, salt water, or brine. Brine is found where fresh water mixes with sea water. This often happens where a river empties into an ocean.

There are many kinds of wildlife in swamps and marshes. They are homes to mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. Their water often comes from rivers and is rich in minerals and dissolved nutrients that are needed by plants.

Swamps have many trees, bushes, and shrubs. Some of them grow quite large. Marshes, on the other hand, have mostly grasses and a few small shrubs. Both swamps and marshes are like very shallow lakes. The water is shallow enough to let plants grow in the mud but reach out of the water's surface.

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