Lessons in Skating

National Roller Skating Month

Reading Comprehension for October 20

Alyssa and Breanna laced up their skates. Their family had come to celebrate Cousin Clint's fifth birthday. Uncle David helped him put on his roller skates.

"Clint, do you want to skate with us?" Alyssa asked.

Clint's eyes lit up. "Yes! I need help," he said. "I don't want to fall."

"Oh, great," Breanna muttered. She shot Alyssa a dark look after Alyssa elbowed her.

Alyssa and Breanna each held one of Clint's hands and helped him onto the rink. His feet were slipping all over the place, almost like a cartoon! Alyssa struggled to keep her balance while trying to hold Clint up. As other skaters whizzed by, the trio worked their way slowly around the rink.

Breanna became impatient with Clint. "No, no, no. You're trying to walk! You have to glide like this," Breanna said, letting go of Clint's hand. She pushed forward to show Clint how to glide on skates. Clint lost his balance and fell, pulling Alyssa down with him.

"Ow!" Alyssa cried, sitting up. "Breanna, what is wrong with you?" To Clint she said, "Are you all right?"

Breanna folded her arms across her chest. "I didn't come here to babysit anyway. I came to skate!" She turned her back on her sister and cousin and sped away.

Clint's eyes filled with tears as he struggled to his feet. Alyssa noticed right away. "Clint, are you hurt?"

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