Life in a Tide Pool

Have you ever been to the beach? Beaches are not the same. You may have gone to the beach to swim. It was probably a wide, sandy beach. Some beaches are rocky and narrow. They may have big rocks called boulders. They may have small rocks. Many animals live on rocky beaches.

Some creatures live in tide pools. These are small pools of water left behind after high tide. Some are the size of puddles. Some are the size of a bathtub. Water gets caught among the rocks. Small animals get caught in these pools. Tide pool creatures lead a special life. Their home is always changing. They must be able to live in the ocean and in a small pool.

In a tide pool, you might see a starfish. Starfish aren't really fish. They are a different kind of animal. A better name is for them is sea star. Sea stars are covered with spines on the outside. They have five arms. They have no heads or tails. A sea star's mouth is on the bottom of its body in the middle of the five arms. If an arm gets cut off or eaten, the sea star can grow a new one!

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