Like the Sun and Moon, Part 1

Reina and Ronan were dropped off in front of their new school by the consular vehicle. They had had several days to get used to their father's new ambassadorial posting, but Reina wasn't even sure that years would be long enough.

"This school is so, so...alien," she muttered to her brother. "I mean, it's beautiful to look at, but..." her voice trailed off.

"Of course it's alien," chided her brother Ronan. "It's supposed to be alien. We're on another planet, light-years from Earth." He paused. "Don't worry, just follow my lead. I make friends quickly."

They started up the steps of the building. Its architecture was different from anything the two had seen before. The buildings seemed to soar skyward in great arches of light. They knew it was a trick of the eye, since the building was substantial, but it made the school seem uplifting and ethereal.

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