Lost Pet

No matter how well you take care of your pet, sometimes pets can get lost. The leash or collar may have broken, or sometimes they get scared and run off. There are things that you have to do to help find your pet. There are also things you can do to keep your pet from getting lost in the first place.

To keep your pet from getting lost, you need to take care of your house and yard. If you have a fence, make sure there is no way the animal can get under or over it. Make sure the gate is locked at all times.

Don't let your cat or dog run around the neighborhood. Keep it on a leash or in a pet carrier any time you are outside of the house. This is important when you take your animal to the vet, too. Loud noises can scare it easily. If the animal is on a leash or in a carrier, it is harder for it to run away from you.

If your pet does run away, you need to look for it as soon as you realize it is missing. Check around your house first. Look in places where your pet could hide. These could be places that you think are too small for your pet to hide in. You have to check everywhere. Make sure to listen, too. Your cat could be stuck and the only way you will find it is to hear it crying.

Go to the place where your pet was lost and talk to everyone. Write down what your pet looks like and your phone number. Give it to people that you talk to. When you are walking, take another person with you. Also, don't give out your name and address. You have to protect yourself even while you are looking for your pet.

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