Louis Braille

Louis Braille

Reading Comprehension for January 4

Did you ever wonder what inspires someone to come up with a new invention? A need does. Did you ever wonder what motivates someone who is faced with a hardship? The yearning for the best possible life does. Understanding these two things helps explain the life of Louis Braille.

Louis Braille was born on January 4, 1809. He was born in Coupvray, France, which is located close to Paris. He was the fourth child born to Simon-Rene and Monique Braille.

Louis was a bright and inquisitive child. When he was three, he went into his father's workshop. His father was a harness and saddle maker. He picked up an awl, which is a sharp tool for making holes, and he hurt his left eye with the awl when it slid. Then it became infected. The infection spread to his other eye. As a result of the infection, he became blind.

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