
Are you a loyal friend? Do you expect your friends to be loyal as well? Loyalty is a good quality to look for in a friend. Loyalty is commitment. A person may be committed to another person, a product, a cause, or a country. To be committed means to be faithful and dependable. The opposite of loyalty is unfaithfulness.

What does loyalty look like? One teen says that loyalty looks like a person who sticks with you through thick and thin. Carrying that thought further, loyalty is linked to trust. Perhaps you are loyal to a name brand item; you trust the quality of that item. When you are loyal to your friends, you trust that they will remain as friends even when things go wrong. Loyalty to a cause means you believe in it and, more than that, you devote time and effort to it. Loyalty to your country is shown through patriotism.

While you are in school, the type of loyalty that will most affect you is loyalty to other people. You may be loyal to family and friends, of course, but you may also wish to be loyal to beloved teachers as well as to your school.

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