Lynetta's Loon

Lynetta sat straight up in the dark room. Chills went down the back of her neck, causing her hairs to stick out.

"What was that?" her sister, Danielle, whispered loudly from the lower bunk.

"I don't know," whispered Lynetta. She leaned over the side of the bed and looked into her sister's frightened face. "I think it was some kind of animal," she added to soothe her little sister's fears.

"It sure sounded spooky," muttered Danielle.

"I'm sure it's nothing that will hurt us," Lynetta reassured her sister. "Just try to go back to sleep."

Lynetta lay back in her own bed and tried to take her own advice. Twice more, though farther away, she heard the low, wavering call and then the crazed laughter at the end. Then she fell asleep.

Aunt Maria came into their room the next morning. "Time to get up, sleepy heads," she said and opened the curtains in their corner room. "It is a perfect day out there today. It's time to get up and dress. Breakfast is ready."

In moments, the girls were up and dressed. They were both tired but excited about the day's prospects, too.

Uncle Bart sat at one end of the table. Danielle and Lynetta took their seats across from their cousins, Sally and Mark. To their right was a big picture window that overlooked the still, blue lake.

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