Making a Difference

Emily moaned to herself as she looked at the family message board. Tacked to the corkboard side was the message, "family meeting tonight after supper."

Her first thought was that she or her brother had done something wrong, but she couldn't think of what it might be. She sighed. She'd find out what it was soon enough.

"What's the meeting about?" asked Andrew during supper that evening.

"You'll have to wait and see," said Dad.

Andrew watched Dad and Mom exchange smiles. That didn't bode well, he thought. It was probably going to be something that involved work.

Dad started the meeting right after dessert.

"You two are probably wondering what this meeting is about, so I'll cut right to the chase. We are going to try and reduce the amount of waste our family produces, and we want your help.

"First, we want to try and clean out the extra magazines and things we don't need. We also need to reduce the amount of stuff we have. So if you have books, knick-knacks, and other things on your shelves that you don't really need, let's get rid of them."

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