Meeting a Marsupial Lion

"Wow, look at this!" said Jeff as he stood in front of a display showing several prehistoric animals. "Look at the size of that wombat! It says that they were six feet tall and weighed three tons! That's six thousand pounds! What would hunt something that big?"

"I think this animal could answer that question," said Dad.

Jeff went over to the display where his parents and sister stood. There was an animal model that looked a little bit like a lion, but its back was striped. Its front end was powerfully built, and its rear feet looked a little like a bear's. The mouth was open in a snarl. The big teeth were frightening.

"I think you are right," said Jeff. "I don't think I'd want to meet this animal out in the bush."

"What is it called?" asked Nina.

"The sign says that it's called a marsupial lion," said Dad. "Do you remember what a marsupial is, Nina?"

The girl nodded. "It's a mammal that carries its babies in a pouch."

"That's good," said Dad. "Can you give me two examples of marsupial animals here in Australia, Jeff?"

Jeff thought for a moment. "The kangaroo and the..." His voice trailed off.

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