More Gross but Edible Foods

Caption: Food sold in Bangkok, Thailand. Counter-clockwise, from the back-left to the front - locusts, bamboo worms, moth chrysalis, crickets, scorpions, diving beetles and giant water beetles. They are deep fried.

Everyone needs to eat. Food provides us with energy. It gives our bodies the nourishment we need to survive. This nourishment comes in many forms depending upon where we live. We generally learn to eat off the family menu. The family menu is often based on cultural and traditional foods available in your region. If your family regularly serves worm soup, then chances are that's what you are used to eating. YUM!

If you were packing yourself a lunch, which of these would you consider: pizza, oysters, fish heads, or a bowl of bugs? You might be surprised to know that a child living in Africa would probably prefer a bowl of freshly fried grasshoppers to a slice of pizza. In Shanghai, China, fish heads are a favorite dish. Here are a few more tasty selections people in other parts of the world enjoy.

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