More than a Cane

"I don't know where I am going to start with this project," Joshua said to Tommy as he was sipping the tomato soup his mom packed him for lunch.

"What did you get assigned?" Tommy asked.

"I'm to do a presentation on sugar cane. I don't know how I am going to fill the poster board with information. It seems to me that sugar cane is pretty boring."

"Have you done any research yet?"

"I haven't done too much," Joshua admitted, "but how much can there be to learn about sugar cane?"

"You may be surprised. Tell me in a couple of days what you've learned."

Joshua took that as a challenge. For the next two evenings he spent time on the Internet and at the library looking up information about sugar cane. Tommy was right. It was more interesting than he had first thought.

On Friday, Joshua and Tommy met for lunch again. Tommy took a bite of his tuna sandwich and after swallowing asked Joshua, "So, what did you find out about sugar cane?"

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