Moving With a Pet

Moving can be hard on people. When people move, they are packing up and leaving everything that they know behind them. Moving can be hard on pets, too. They are going from a house and a yard they know very well to a place that they may have never seen before.

If you are moving, try to plan ahead as much as you can. Don't run around the night before throwing everything into boxes. This will only stress you and your pet. Try to keep your pet's routine as close to normal as possible. Also, be careful when you are packing. A cat or small dog may find a box a great place to hide. You don't want to pack your pet into a box and put it on the moving truck.

As soon as you know your new address, get a new ID tag. If your pet gets lost as you are leaving, a person who finds your pet will need to know where to find you at the new address. Make sure you put your new phone number on it, too.

Make sure you have a good pet carrier the day of the move. Stressed pets may run out of the house and into the neighborhood. You don't want to spend the day of the move trying to find your pet. If you don't have a good carrier, close the animal into a small room, like an extra bathroom. Put a sign on the door so that no one enters the room.

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