Onions, Onions, Onions

Onions, Onions, Onions

Reading Comprehension for November 27

How do you feel about onions? Some people think they smell bad. They make some people cry. Most kids do not like onions. Some do. Kids in Switzerland celebrate onions. Switzerland is a country in Europe. They have a festival just for onions. It is called Zibelemarit. That means "Onion Market."

In 1405 there was a fire. It was in Bern, Switzerland. The fire burned the city. Farmers helped to rebuild it. The city leaders were happy. They wanted to help the farmers. They set up a market in the city. The farmers brought things to sell. Most of them brought onions. The Onion Market had started.

There are railroads in Bern. The railroads helped the farmers. Farmers could use the railroads to bring their things to the market. This is still true today. Visitors can also ride the train to get there.

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