
Splat! You find a blob of paint splashed across your shirt. You are participating in a strange sport called paintball. Paintball is a game in which two teams try to capture each other's flag while defending their own using compressed-air guns that shoot paint-filled pellets.

A paintball is made out of gelatin. This little sphere is full of a special kind of paint that is both non-toxic and water-soluble. People have lots of fun shooting paintballs out of special guns. This sport is usually played with two teams who try to eliminate their opponents by tagging them with colorful paint.

Paintball sounds ludicrous, but it had a practical beginning. In the 1950s, a company made paintballs for the forestry service. The first paintballs were used to mark trees. They were also used by cattlemen to mark cows. Twenty years later, some friends discovered that they could play a good game with paintballs.

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