Polar Regions

The areas around the North and South Poles are the coldest places in the world. The Arctic is the area around the North Pole. There is no land. The North Pole is found in the Arctic Ocean. These waters are almost always covered by an ice cap. Parts of three continents are also in the Arctic Polar Region.

Antarctica is at the other end of the Earth. Antarctica is a large land mass. It is a continent. The South Pole is found here. It is the coldest place on Earth. It is too cold for people to live there all the time. The land is shared by several countries for scientific research. Scientists live there for short amounts of time. Antarctica is covered by an ice cap more than one mile thick! Together, we call the Arctic and Antarctica the Polar Regions.

The Polar Regions get less sunlight. Snow falls there. Very little of the snow melts. In spite of the cold weather, the Arctic and Antarctica are home to some animals. These animals have their own special ways to fight off the cold. They have adapted to survive in the extremely harsh environment.

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