
It has eyes and lives deep underground. It must stay in the dark. If it is exposed to the light it will turn green and go bad. Shoots grow out of its eyes. Eventually, one of the shoots escapes! It heads straight for the light. It pushes its way up through the dirt. It's free! But the growth deep in the dirt remains. It will stay there until the fall. Finally, when it can no longer hide, it is dug up, shook off, sold, and eaten. What is this mysterious underground creature? Is it a monster? No, it is a potato!

A potato is a vegetable. It contains vitamins and fiber. Some potatoes are brown. Others are white or red. Some are big. Others are small. They are grown and eaten all over the world.

Every spring, famers plant potatoes. Every potato has little marks. These are called eyes. Shoots grow from the eyes of the potatoes. These shoots grow up from the ground. They become the green plant that can be seen in potato fields. Underground, tiny tubers grow from the potato stems. These tubers will become the new potatoes. The potato must stay underground. If it is exposed to any light, it will go bad. If it goes bad, it cannot be eaten or sold. In the fall, farmers harvest their potatoes. They are packed into sacks. Then they are ready to be sold and eaten.

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