Rafting the River

"You ready to go?" Dad asked Jack, gently waking him up on a Saturday morning.

Jack rubbed his eyes. "Go where?"

"I'm taking you on a surprise outing today."

"Oh, cool! Where are we going?"

"I can't tell you yet," Dad said with a laugh. "That would ruin the surprise. Just get changed into some comfortable clothes and bring your swim trunks."

Jack was delighted. He liked anything to do with water. He had recently been reading stories about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn and their adventures rafting. He wished he could go on a rafting trip.

Jack came to the breakfast table where Dad gave him some oatmeal and fruit. "Eat well. You will need your energy today!" he said.

Jack could barely stand not knowing where Dad would take him. However, Dad would not even give a hint.

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